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Ontdek wat onze boeken in 2 talen u kunnen bieden om u te helpen een nieuwe taal te leren.

Onze boeken in 2 talen ( bevatten 100 gratis lessen die beginners een basiswoordenschat bieden. Zonder voorafgaande grammaticale kennis leert u in een mum van tijd korte zinnen vloeiend uitspreken in praktijksituaties. Onze methode combineert met succes audio en tekst voor effectief taalonderwijs.

Alles wat je nodig hebt om een nieuwe taal te leren.

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Onze beoordelingen

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Easily the top 5 of all android language software. This is a really effective and convenient way to learn. Generous with the languages it has to offer.

-Khoa Truong"

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Easily the top 5 of all android language software. This is a really effective and convenient way to learn. Generous with the languages it has to offer.

- Khoa Truong"

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Great job. I really love this app so much, so many languages that we can learn here, not only complete but also easy to use, thanks a lot for the developer, great job.

-Faruki Syaban"

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Great job. I really love this app so much, so many languages that we can learn here, not only complete but also easy to use, thanks a lot for the developer, great job.

- Faruki Syaban"

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Excellent. This app is amazing. I love the way it provides all kinds of different languages.

-Eric Gandy"

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Excellent. This app is amazing. I love the way it provides all kinds of different languages.

- Eric Gandy"