
The Urdu language

Urdu is counted among the Indo-Iranian languages. It is spoken in Pakistan and a few Indian states. Urdu is the native language of about 60 million people. It is the national language in Pakistan. It is also recognized as one of the 22 official languages in India. Urdu is very closely related to Hindi. Both languages are basically just two sociolects of Hindustani. Hindustani emerged from different languages in northern India starting in the 13th century. Today Urdu and Hindi are considered two independent languages. Speakers of these languages can communicate with each other easily though. The semiotic system is what clearly differentiates the two. Urdu is written with a version of the Persian-Arabic alphabet, while Hindi is not. Urdu is very prominent as a literary language. It is also often used in large film productions. Learn Urdu - it is the key to the culture of South Asia!

Learn Urdu from your native language with our method “book2” (books in 2 languages)

“Urdu for beginners” is a language course that we offer free of charge. Advanced students can also refresh and deepen their knowledge. No registration is required and you can learn anonymously. The course includes 100 clearly structured lessons. You can set your learning pace.First you will learn the basics of the language. Example dialogs help you speak the foreign language. No previous knowledge of Urdu grammar is required. You will learn commonly used Urdu sentences and can communicate immediately in various situations. Learn Urdu during your commute, lunch break or workout. You can start immediately and will quickly achieve your learning goals.

Learn Urdu with the Android and iPhone app «50 languages»

With these apps you can learn more than 50 languages on Android phones and tablets and iPhones and iPads. The apps include 100 free lessons to help you learn and communicate effectively in Urdu. Practice your language skills using the tests and games in the apps. Use our free «book2» audio files to listen to native speakers of Urdu and improve your pronunciation! You can easily download all audios in your native language and Urdu as MP3 files. After downloading you can also learn offline.

Text book - Urdu for beginners

If you prefer to learn Urdu using printed materials, you can buy the book Urdu for beginners. You can buy it in any bookstore or online at Amazon.

Learn Urdu - fast and free now!